Friday, March 28, 2008


Well, this was even more fun. The excitement increased when daughter comes in, leans over and types in "stupid girls" and 2 or 3 entries down, there she is with a friend doing some weird dance. The things they get up to that you have no idea. Quite scary really. Computer geek walks through "if I knew you were going on that I would disconnect the wireless. I don't want viruses on my computer". Ho hum.
Can't see much point in putting the Library on there except maybe for major events and mainly for posterity. Fairly boring to look at now but probably interesting in 20 years time. Maybe if building a new Library some good ideas could be found.
Verdict - good fun but limited professional use. I will have to read other people's blogs to see if they have come up with useful ideas.

Wiki wonderland

That was interesting. What a lot of uses there are for wikis. I can see them being useful between staff or to keep clients up-to-date. I loved the school wiki where there were the subject headings taking you to different information and especially the homework helper pages, this was marvellous. I haven't actually edited a wiki yet as I am waiting for my invite key but in the mean time I can think about what to say.

I have fallen a little behind with this due to Easter and the extraordinarily busy week at work. I am afraid I have just got home and conked out from exhaustion. Anybody who thinks Libraries are dead should come to our place sometime. I shall now carry on to the next week's work and come back to this when I have had a go.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

RSS feeds

Oh, wow. That was painful, I knew we would come up against all those initials and funny words where my brain turns off, and we just did. Having been married to an IT guy for many many years I have an automatic close down when initials and such like are mentioned and a polite smile comes to my face. This was a large hurdle to overcome and I am not sure I managed it.

Personally I can see no use for this in my private life but for Library purposes it could be a great information tool for the public. All those book reviews and local news you could put to a feed. Why are IT people so obsessed with protecting their systems? Even the one at home blocked Messenger so teenage daughter could not use it -mind you, teenage daughter got round it. This of course could be the answer, get teenage daughters to work in public libraries and confound IT departments - mine has actually gone to work in a special library where I am sure her skills will be wasted.

Hopefully I will cope better with Wikis next week. It wasn't the actual doing of RSS feeds that got to me it was all the jargon.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Can you believe I did it. Actually transferred a picture from Flickr to my blog. Wow. I think I am supposed to say who took the 'photo but I can't remember but as hardly anyone will see this I suppose he won't mind. Then again I should go back and check. One problem with this tool is you get distracted looking at things and before you know it time has passed, you need to go and do something else and you haven't finished.

From a Library perspective one can see immense and exciting use for this tool, particularly in the area of local history. I am learning so much from all this. My internet lessons will now take on a new breadth - I know they are supposed to be only very basic but things like blogs and flickr can be mentioned and if the client is interested a quick overview given.

Barking Mad

Barking Mad
Originally uploaded by DaveWilliams
I found this on Flikr under barking mad along with pictures of dogs, bark and other strange unrelated, as far as I could see, items.