Thursday, March 6, 2008


Can you believe I did it. Actually transferred a picture from Flickr to my blog. Wow. I think I am supposed to say who took the 'photo but I can't remember but as hardly anyone will see this I suppose he won't mind. Then again I should go back and check. One problem with this tool is you get distracted looking at things and before you know it time has passed, you need to go and do something else and you haven't finished.

From a Library perspective one can see immense and exciting use for this tool, particularly in the area of local history. I am learning so much from all this. My internet lessons will now take on a new breadth - I know they are supposed to be only very basic but things like blogs and flickr can be mentioned and if the client is interested a quick overview given.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Dear Lesley

You are right - there are many exciting ways libraries can exploit all this Web 2.0 stuff. Don't worry about the distractions - that's part of the fun/learning.


PS Great photo!