Saturday, March 15, 2008

RSS feeds

Oh, wow. That was painful, I knew we would come up against all those initials and funny words where my brain turns off, and we just did. Having been married to an IT guy for many many years I have an automatic close down when initials and such like are mentioned and a polite smile comes to my face. This was a large hurdle to overcome and I am not sure I managed it.

Personally I can see no use for this in my private life but for Library purposes it could be a great information tool for the public. All those book reviews and local news you could put to a feed. Why are IT people so obsessed with protecting their systems? Even the one at home blocked Messenger so teenage daughter could not use it -mind you, teenage daughter got round it. This of course could be the answer, get teenage daughters to work in public libraries and confound IT departments - mine has actually gone to work in a special library where I am sure her skills will be wasted.

Hopefully I will cope better with Wikis next week. It wasn't the actual doing of RSS feeds that got to me it was all the jargon.


Superchicken77 said...

well done, you can do it!!!

pls@slnsw said...

Well you know what they say - no pain no gain... I like your observations about teenage workers too.

Try not to think about the jargon - it's what it can do for you that counts!
